Administrative buildings

The Maetok project's important development is the design and creation of the Administrative Building. Administrative buildings are public modules that can perform a variety of functions in a modular town for IDPs.

Each module is a distinct space, which, with proper planning, can be utilized for preschool education, an office for outsourced parents of a preschooler who works, a warehouse or store, an educational center or creative studio. 

We aim to give the house back to the families who lost it, but also have other objectives. Our objective is to assist individuals in integrating into social life, meeting new friends, becoming enamored with something new, and obtaining more job opportunities within the modular town itself.

Options for using administrative buildings in modular towns for IDPs

The use of administrative buildings is possible in as many different areas as possible.

They can be designed and equipped for such areas:

  • Сoworking
  • First-aid station
  • Creative studios
  • Center for education
    for adults and children
  • Office space
  • Rehabilitation center
  • Kindergarten
  • Psychological
    center of the help
  • Canteen
  • Trade pavilion
  • Warehousing
  • Administrative

our project

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You are welcomed by the project "MAETOK" of the Charitable Foundation "Parents for Ukraine"